Talking Sons: A Dungeons and Daddies Fancast

Latest Episodes
S3 ep 16: Stair-Down
In this episode, we talk about S3 ep 16 of dungeons and daddies
S3 Ep 14&15: Bigfoot Doublesode
In this episode, we talk about the daddies trip to bigfoot land! Yup, it's a twofer!
S3 Ep13: Plumbing the Depths
in this episode, we talk about what happened in that other episode 13!
S3 Ep12: Talking Sons Fireside Chat
We're back! Because they're back! And we talk about what went down in that episode of dungeons and daddies!
S3 Ep11: How to Get Away with Murder Murder Murder
In this episode, we talk about what went down in S3 Ep11: Dial M For Murder Murder Murder
S3 Ep10: Death of a Salesman
In this episode, we talk about Arthur Miller's 1949 play about a Salesman who succumbs to the dark side of the American Dream.
S3 E9: G Kegels
In this episode, we talk about how freddie's character continues to taunt death.
S3 E8: Return of the Thing
In this episode, the sons talk about whatever happened in S3 E8: Thing of the Ring
S3 E7: Mothman Jesus Take the Wheel
This episode was streamed in front of a live twitch audience. Check out our schedule at to watch us next time!