Talking Law

Talking Law

[EP 089] From the brink of liquidation to a business success story

June 20, 2019

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We walk through a number of business success stories in this episode with Charles Fairlie, the CEO of Purpose Publishing. Together, we investigate the themes of success and discuss how business owners can create their own legacy.

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Episode Highlights:

* Struggles as a business owner
* The importance of leaving a legacy as a business owner
* Overview of a successful business story worth 100m
* Avoiding common business mistakes
* Unsung Business Heroes background
* Common themes of business success stories
* Purpose and passion mindset
* Finding a mantra
* Motivation to record business successes
* Find out how you can leave a legacy

Today we talk to Charles Fairlie, the CEO of Purpose Publishing, about a number of interesting business stories from his book series Unsung Business Heroes. The book features various Australian business success stories that shed light on a number of important themes on what makes a successful business.
We investigate the story of a business owner at the brink of liquidation who managed to turn the business around to an entity with more than $100 million annual revenue. We love this story because it just shows the highs and lows of business. It also shows that there is a lot of hope for businesses that feel at the brink. Moreover, it’s a great reminder of the reality that almost always, the direst circumstances for a business can often be easily avoided by having proactive legal and accounting mechanisms in place.
Throughout the episode, we discuss a number of other recurrent themes and also discuss the concept of leaving a legacy of your business story. Who knows, you could be the next business hero!


* Unsung Business Heroes
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Listen to another episode with Charles:

* The Secret to an $830 Million Exit

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