Talking HR

Talking HR

Latest Episodes

Talking HR 011: Trust at work (Show notes) - Feb 24,2009
February 24, 2009

Show notes:   02:45 mins Krishna: introducing trust and work, the Edelman Trust Barometer. 03:50 Jon: other recent debate, eg at Davos.  recent violations in

Talking HR 011: Trust at work - Feb 20,2009
February 20, 2009

The World Economic Forum in Davis called for a "fundamental reboot" of the economy. There's yet little agreement in how this will be executed, but a more people shaped approach to business seems as if it is going to be one essential part. This show revi

Talking HR 010: Navigating Our Way Out Of The Recession: The Role Of HR (Show Notes) - Feb 20,2009
February 20, 2009

Show notes 1:20 mins Krishna / Jon: Introduction (show days, news from the UK re Woolworths and Ireland re Diageo, elsewhere: unemployment in China, social unrest and wildcat strikes 10

Talking HR 010: Navigating Our Way Out Of The Recession: The Role Of HR - Feb 02,2009
February 02, 2009

The recession is really biting now. In the UK, Woolworths are relaunching, but this time online (what will that mean for employees/skill sets etc?) and in Ireland, Diageo have put their previously announced €650 million investment in new brewery operat

Talking HR 009: Aligning Your HR Plan To The Business Strategy - Jan 26,2009
January 26, 2009

At the turn of the year it's time for us to revisit the business strategy and goals for the year ahead. Given the current economy the review and alignment of your HR operating plan to deliver your business strategy is critical. In this weeks episode we sh

Talking HR 008: Using Linkedin for recruitment - Jan 05,2009
January 05, 2009

In this episode we will discuss how the professional social network LinkedIn can be used to support your talent management strategy and how you can use LinkedIn for recruitment. Talking HR is hosted by Krishna De and Jon Ingham and you can contact them wi

Talking HR 007: Coaching Trends For 2009 - Dec 15,2008
December 15, 2008

In this episode we discuss executive and management coaching, what the current situation is and what the trends are we anticipate in 2009 and beyond. Coaching within organisations has been developing over the last number of years and this show will cover

Talking HR 006: Managing Social Media Enthusiasts In The Enterprise - Dec 01,2008
December 01, 2008

In this weeks episode we talk about a case study of a social media enthusiast in a business as highlighted by social media expert Chris Brogan in a recent article on his blog. We discuss the HR implications are for such case studies. Talking HR is hosted

Talking HR - 005 Employee retention strategies - Nov 14,2008
November 14, 2008

Whether you’re an HR professional or business leader we share information, resources and tips on people and organisational development. We cover talent, leadership, employee engagement and what’s often referred to as HR 2.0 – the use of social media

Talking HR - 004 Employee engagement and business performance - Oct 31,2008
October 31, 2008

Whether you’re an HR professional or business leader we share information, resources and tips on people and organisational development. We cover talent, leadership, employee engagement and what’s often referred to as HR 2.0 – the use of social media