Talk Flirty to Me

Talk Flirty to Me

#101 - Babe, We Should Start a Podcast.

July 26, 2018

That's right, guys! Sean and I are starting a new podcast! Ideally, we're trying to get a few of these recorded and edited and then we will move ahead and get them published everywhere podcasts are listened to... iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, etc. So bear with us while we iron out this process!

In this episode, Katana and Sean are discussing relationship and life advice that has been gathered and "learned" from romance novels. 

We don't really have any show notes from this yet (because we don't know what exactly we're supposed to compile for those) but we're working on it. =)

However, we do have an email for the show--
If you have a question for us or if you have a show idea/topic suggestion, we want to hear from you! 

Hope you enjoy and thanks for listening!
