Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Latest Episodes

#43 POSTURE & BREATHING with Dr. Nadine Kelly, YogiMD
February 09, 2020

Proper posture and breathing can make us better communicators! Dr. Nadine Kelly (YogiMD) shares breathing and posture tips, relaxation techniques (deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing,  combining breathe with a mantra),

#42 TELLING YOUR STORY with best selling author & legal veteran Norman Bacal
January 26, 2020

Do you know how to tell your story effectively? The story you tell could be at work in conversation with your boss, in a job interview, or perhaps you seek to write a novel? Best-selling author and legal veteran Norman Bacal shares how stories are impa...

#41 LISTENING with author, consultant, & legal veteran Norman Bacal
January 12, 2020

Listen, as Norman Bacal, author, consultant, and 35 year legal veteran, shares his insights and stories about how active listening can help you not only learn, but also improve your relationships with co-workers, clients, family, and friends.

#40 – 19 COMMUNICATION SKILLS from 2019
December 26, 2019

An efficient summary of the 19 Communication Skills from 2019, including the words we say, types of implicit communication, tips for specific people & contexts, & important meta learnings.  

#39 Communicating with NEGATIVE PEOPLE – with HR expert Tamara Finlay
December 15, 2019

Working with difficult or negative people can be stressful. Learn reasons why people act so negatively and what you can do about it. Human Resources expert Tamara Finlay suggests diagnosing the issue using the SCARF model,

December 01, 2019

Gift-giving is a highly symbolic form of communication. Are you a good gift giver? In this podcast you will learn how to think about gift-giving more rationally, with research-based tips about what matters and what doesn’t.

#37 COMMUNICATION MEDIA: Phone or Email – with HR expert Tamara Finlay
November 18, 2019

Do you know when to use the phone or email?  What about text, social media, and face-to-face meetings? How do you feel when you hear the phone ring?  In this podcast episode, HR expert Tamara Finlay shares advice and frameworks to help you choose the i...

#36 Talking YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH - with Nicole German founder the Maddie_Project
November 05, 2019

Youth mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression are common. Nicole German, founder of The Maddie Project, shares her experience and thoughtful advice to parents, family members, coaches, teachers, anyone who interacts with youth.

#35 LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY with Kelly Harper, experience strategist
October 26, 2019

Finances are the #1 stressor for couples. Let's talk about budgeting, bank accounts, wills, allowances, and the "d" word: "debt"!

#34 LESSONS FROM THE IMPROV STAGE with Sandy Marshall & Sandy Jobin-Bevans
October 16, 2019

Lessons from the Improv comedy stage can help us improve our communication skills! Comedians Sandy Marshall and Sandy Jobin-Bevans share their expertise – and a few laughs – including playing the scene you’re in, the beauty of mistakes,
