Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#66 Trending Communication Topics, Insights & Recommendations

December 27, 2020

Top 3 lists from Andrea and Talk About Talk, including the top 3 Talk About Talk podcast episodes and newsletters, Andrea’s favorite podcasts, plus communication insights from 2020 and focus areas for 2021.
Printable shownotes with links:
• Summary & Resources
• Transcript

Top 3 most downloaded Talk About Talk PODCAST episodes
#1 is NETWORKING with executive coach Sharon Mah-Gin.

#2 is COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS with executive coach Heather Stark

#3 is COMMUNICATING WITH CONFIDENCE: Mental Preparation, where I share the 4Ps of mentally preparing to communicate confidently

Top 3 most clicked-on Talk About Talk NEWSLETTERS
#1 is “Talking Taboo”

#2 is “Words Matter: Racism & Taboo Topics”

#3 is “Talk About Introverts & Extraverts”

Andrea’s Top 3 COMMUNICATION INSIGHTS from 2020

* Growth Mindset – Talk About Talk is grounded in a growth mindset. A growth mindset is critical for communication superpowers: listening, storytelling and communicating with confidence. (If you’re a Talk About Talk follower, chances are YOU have a growth mindset!)
* Online Communication – The increased prevalence of online media means new skills required to excel in this online world. The online environment is now the paradigm for every communication context and topic.
* “How are you?” – The question “how are you?” has a whole new meaning and focus in our conversations. What used to be conversation-filler is now a genuine question. (This is a silver-lining of COVID!)

Top 3 FOCUS AREAS for Talk About Talk in 2021

* Online communication – The digital domain is now the default. We need to step-it-up in terms of our online communication.
* Online workshops – Talk About Talk will be offering more online workshops for firms who are investing in their people’s development.
* Personal Branding – Stay tuned for your opportunity to identify your compelling, customized, personal brand, then learn to communicate it confidently to the world!


* The Pivot – with Kara Swisher & Scott Galloway
