Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#59 COMMUNICATE WITH CONFIDENCE: Part 2 - Confidence Coaching

September 20, 2020

Communicate with CONFIDENCE – in the moment:  Learn the 5 step formula to communicate with confidence in the moment when you feel that nervous energy. The 5 steps include asking a question, breathing, acting confident, focusing with no distractions, and listening, using your ears.  You got this!
Printable shownotes:
CONTENTS – Confidence in the moment

SUMMARY – 5 Steps to Communicate with Confidence In the Moment



5 Steps to Communicate with Confidence In the Moment
“A” is for ASK a Question
“B” is for BREATHE
“C” is for Act CONFIDENT
“D” is for No DISTRACTIONS, Focus
“E” is for Use Your EARS, Listen

“A” is for ASK a Question

* First – ask WHOM?  If you’re at an event and you don’t know anyone, executive recruiter Sharon Mah-Gin suggests approaching an ODD number of people (like 1 or 3 or 5).  Someone will be happy to talk. (Brilliant, Sharon!)

* Look the person in the eye, smile, and ask a question. Shift the spotlight. 
* Ask smart, strategic questions:

* ask open ended questions
* ask questions that might inspire a story
* ask about one of their possessions

“B” is for BREATHE

* Slow deep breathing optimizes your physical state, oxygenates your blood, clarifies your thinking, reduces anxiety and stress, improves your mood, and optimizes the sound of your voice.  Just ask baritone opera singer, Bradley Christensen!

* Don’t hold your breath!
* Dr. Nadine Kelly (Yogi-MD) encourages deep diaphragmatic breathing. Fully inflating and deflating your lungs. Project your voice on the exhale.

“C” is for Act CONFIDENT

* When you ACT confident, you BECOME confident. Focus on three elements of your
