Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training
#43 POSTURE & BREATHING with Dr. Nadine Kelly, YogiMD
Proper posture and breathing can make us better communicators! Dr. Nadine Kelly (YogiMD) shares breathing and posture tips, relaxation techniques (deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing, combining breathe with a mantra), differences between the parasympathetic (rest & digest) versus the sympathetic (fight or flight) phase, and why nasal breathing is healthier than mouth breathing.
Printable Shownotes:
References & Links
Andrea’s Introduction
Interview Transcript
Andrea’s Conclusion
SUMMARY: Posture & Breathing
* Self-awareness is key. Breathe and use posture with intent.
* Everything is connected. Every muscle is connected and all of our internal systems are inter-connected.
* Growth is uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Proper Breathing
* The sympathetic (“fight or flight”) response of the autonomic nervous system is triggered by stress. Cortisol is released, which prepares the body to respond to an emergency.
* The parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) phase is where we breathe properly and accrue the following benefits:
* mental clarity
* slower heart beat
* a sense of calm
* clearer speech
* confidence
* Complete sentences with an exhale. Use the exhale to project your voice.
* Diaphragmatic breathing is proper breathing:
* Fully inflate our lungs and fully deflate the lungs.
* Consider a baby’s belly rising and falling.
* If you want to strengthen your core, use your core on your exhale
Nasal Breathing versus Mouth Breathing
* “Your mouth is for eating and speaking, your nose is for breathing.”
* Nasal breathing is healthier because the nasal passages:
* are the direct way to get air in and out of your lungs
* are lined with cilia (hair-like projections) that filter out particles
* humidify the air that’s going into the lungs
* adjust air to the proper temperature and warm the air being inhaled
* incorporate the nitric oxide molecule (from the respiratory tract), which relaxes blood vessels and ultimately eases the gas exchange
* Excessive mouth breathing may result in structural changes. Face shape may shift!
Breathing Techniques for Relaxation
* Place your hands on your abdomen, and feel your belly rising and falling.
* Fully inhale and fully exhale.
* Combine a mantra with breathing. (e.g. inhale the word can, exhale the word can’t.)
* Try alternate nostril breathing. Put your right hand in a peace sign with your palm facing you. Put your two finger tips in the middle of your forehead. Use your ring finger and your thumb to press on alternating nostrils. Inhale on the right, and exhale on the left. Do that five to nine times on one side, then do the other side.
* Extend the exhale to inhale ratio to a ratio of about 2 to 1. Start even, counting to 4 for both the inhale and exhale. Then extend the exhale to 5, then 6, then 7 and 8.
Proper Posture
* The benefits of proper posture:
* Emits confidence, alertness and awareness
* Reduces muscular pain and arthritis
* Reduces fatigue
* Reduces anxiety
* Sit or stand up tall. We call it “mountain pose” because it evokes height.
* Joints are aligned or stacked on top of the other.