Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#33 Communicating AUTHENTICITY with Ana Serrano

October 07, 2019

Authenticity is important for both people and for brands. But what does it really mean to “be authentic”?  Ana Serrano (CFC chief digital officer) shares her expertise on authenticity, including how the digital realm has amplified the performative nature of authenticity and how inauthentic “green-washing,” “art-washing” and “social impact washing” on behalf of brands can backfire.
Printable (PDF) version of full shownotes HERE.

Key Learnings

References & Links

Andrea’s Commentary

Interview Transcript


Key Learnings
What is Authenticity?

* Authenticity means acting consistently with the true or real self (as opposed to the fake self, the idealized self, or the superficial self)
* Authenticity is as close to an expression of what you believe to be true at the time that you’re telling it.
* Brand Authenticity: Consumers compare a brand’s values versus its actions.

Why is Authenticity Important?

* People are becoming more savvy, more skeptical and less trusting (the “post-Snowdon world”).
* The digital realm means that people have access to more information to determine whether you are being authentic. More people are consuming more media where they can easily:

* fact-check
* amplify their voice.

* The digital realm has also amplified the performative nature of authenticity. So people are posting their vacations, their meals, and themselves – all dressed up and airbrushed or filtered.
* In marketing, there’s been a lot of what Ana refers to as “greenwashing” and “art-washing” and “social impact washing.” Ultimately these individuals and these brands who aren’t authentic, who are acting inconsistently with their true or real identity, are found out – and rebuked.

How do we Evaluate and Communicate Authenticity?  

* Examine your history. As a person, this is your family and upbringing. As a business, this is your heritage, how you started, your founders.  Yes, people and companies (and political candidates) can change.  But our history is part of who we are.  Part of our identity.
* Observe yourself objectively. This means self-awareness and self-regulation – and mediating our representation of ourselves to others.


References & Links
Ana Serrano and CFC

* LinkedIn –
* Email –
* Canadian Film Centre (CFC) –
* At the CFC –
* Ideaboost –
* Recommendations:

* The Logic –
* The Discourse –
* Exponential View podcast –
* Podyssey –

Other References

* JCP – Journal of Consumer Psychology –
