Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#31 HOW TO GIVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK with Dr. Andrea Wojnicki

September 17, 2019

Giving negative feedback is challenging and stressful. You will learn the mindsets, do’s & don’ts, and frameworks to help you give negative feedback effectively. Be constructive. Don’t make it a surprise, don’t joke around, don’t threaten the person. Be empathetic (compliment in public, criticize in private), be objective and professional, and LISTEN. Make sure that the feedback is S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic and Timely. Avoid the “Poop Sandwich,” and try the Start-Continue-Stop framework.

Key Learnings (one-pager) on “How to Give Negative Feedback”

References & Links

Podcast Transcript

“How to Give Negative Feedback”
Tips for when you are preparing and delivering negative feedback:


* We need to adopt a constructive Our mindset when we’re planning and delivering negative feedback should be all about construction, as in building and creating.
* We want the employee to thrive and excel
* Our sole intention is helping them.


* Don’t make it a surprise
* Don’t joke around
* Don’t threaten the person


* Be empathetic. For starters, compliment in public, criticize in private.
* Be objective and professional
* Listen. This one is often forgotten. We must listen.


* The SMART framework – make sure that the feedback is specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic and timely.
* The feedback needs to be (and be perceived as) valid & important  Valid as in undeniably true.  And Important and in important to the employee and important to the firm. 
* Avoid the poop sandwich, also called “the feedback sandwich.” You know, the good, bad, good
* Try the Start-Continue-Stop (or traffic light) framework. You’ve assessed their performance and identified things that they should start doing, things that they should continue doing, and things that they should stop doing – all things that will help them advance to the next level.

References & Links

* “FEEDBACK (and other dirty words): Why we fear it, how to fix it” by Tamra Chandler –
* “HBR Guide to Delivering Effective feedback” Harvard Business School Press –


* “The Feedback Fallacy” – HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW –
* “Seven Ways to Effective Feedback” – Grant Wiggins, FEEDBACK FOR LEARNING –
* “Why the Velvet Hammer is a better way to give constructive criticism” – FAST COMPANY –
* “The Better Way to Deal with Criticism at Work” – GLOBE & MAIL –
