Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#30 YOUR CONSUMER VOICE with Nexxt Intelligence president Kathy Cheng

September 10, 2019

Learn 5 ways you can exercise or amplify your consumer voice. Market researcher Kathy Cheng of Nexxt Intelligence talks A.I. and chatbots, how firms can use augmented reality (AR), and the new market research, including why we shouldn’t call these consumer participants “respondents,” but rather partners or co-creators.

Key Learnings

References & Links

Andrea’s Commentary

Interview Transcript


Key Learnings
Automated advertising is starting to take off.  This is where firms blast out several ads with various insights and see what works.  They create algorithms to change the placement of the ads (how frequently and where and how they are played).
Market researchers are using AI and AR – not just with automated advertising, but also testing products and advertising campaigns using latency measures, augmented reality, goggles, other sensory measurement techniques.  It sounds like a super fun focus group, doesn’t it?
Firms are actively trying to make consumer research more interactive and enjoyable – for example by using from gamification,  to sharing insights in real time, to using humour with chatbots.
Kathy advocates  making consumer research into part of the consumer experience – which obviously should all be positive.  So seeking to go beyond Q&A survey, into something much more interactive.  That means no longer calling these consumers “respondents.” But rather  participants, partners, and ultimately co-creators.
5 ways you can exercise or amplify your consumer voice:

* Participating in consumer research or in a consumer panel
* Voting with your money
* Engaging in word of mouth
* By Formally documenting your experience
* And by asking the firm how you can amplify your consumer voice.

Just like all of our other (personal) interactions, we should try to generate a good ratio of positive to negative comments in the marketplace. Watch the valence.  We don’t want everything to be negative.  So every time you complain as a consumer about something, make sure you leave a compliment about something else.

References & Links
Kathy Cheng & Nexxt Intelligence

* LinkedIn –
* Nexxt Intelligence –
* Incabot –
* Recommendations:

* Waking Up with Sam Harris –
* Making Sense with Sam Harris –

Talk About Talk

* Weekly Email Blog –
* Podcast –
* Andrea –

Dr. Andrea’s Commentary
Hey there. I am your communication coach, Dr. Andrea Wojnicki. Please call me Andrea. Welcome to Talk About Talk.  This is where you check in to improve your communication skills – both professionally and personally. This week, we’re talking about how to use our consumer voice.
Here’s the thing.  I’ve studied and worked in marketing for most of my adult life.
