Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#25 BUILDING RESILIENCE: Sets & Reps – with Eat Clean founder & master wellness coach Tosca Reno

August 06, 2019

Resilience: the capacity to recover from adversity. Meet Tosca Reno, “the woman with 9 lives,” Eat Clean founder, and master wellness coach.  In this, the first in this 3-episode series on Self-Talk, Tosca takes us through the “set and reps” necessary for resilience, including seeking challenges, positive stress (or eustress), taking ownership, practicing gratitude, and being kind and compassionate. Yes, adversity can make you stronger!

* Key Learnings
* References & Links
* Andrea’s Commentary
* Interview Transcript
* Conclusion

Key Learnings
We define resilience as “the capacity to recover from difficulty or adversity”.  Tosca encourages us to become more resilient by framing adversity more productively and by adopting effective coping strategies.

* According to Tosca, it’s all about seeking challenges and appreciating adversity itself as a gift. Suddenly, adversity is a good thing!
* I asked Tosca whether she thinks we need adversity to succeed? She responded, “…if you don’t have adversity, you’re living a small life…” Again, adversity is a good thing.
* Tosca also mentioned eustress or positive stress teaches plants to be stronger. And how people are the same. We need positive stress.  We need adversity.  


* Take responsibility or ownership for your destiny – Tosca mentioned the analogy of working out in the gym. Doing sets and reps.  When you’re in the gym, that experience harms no one, the weights don’t talk back, they don’t ask you for a peanut butter sandwich. They don’t &*%$ and moan. It’s you and them, right? It’s your story.
* Be grateful – Even in her moment of deepest, compounded grief, Tosca still felt gratitude. “… even in the moments where we feel life is just giving it to us and giving it to us and it’s relentless. There are things to be grateful for.” And according to Abraham Hicks, the fastest way to move up the emotional scale from shame (fear, grief, depression) to joy (knowledge, empowerment, love) is by practicing gratitude.
* Be kind and compassionate – Pay it forward. Bring your neighbour a jar of soup.  Anonymously pay for someone’s lunch. Look people in the eye.  Register the colour of their eyes.  If nothing else, it’s good karma, right?


References & Links
Tosca Reno

* Facebook –
* Website –
* Tosca’s Books –
* Recommendations –

* “Legends & Losers” by Christopher Lochhead –
* Lianne Liang –

Resources & References

* Eustress or positive stress –
* Abraham Hicks & the Emotional Scale –

Talk About Talk

* Weekly Email Blog –
* Andrea –

Dr. Andrea’s Commentary
I can’t wait to introduce you to today’s guest, Tosca Reno.  Tosca is kicking us off in this, the first of a three-episode Talk About Talk podcas...
