Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

#24 The ABCDEs of COMMUNICATION SKILLS with Dr. Andrea Wojnicki

July 29, 2019

 Do you have effective communication skills? Are you a confident communicator? In this 20 minute podcast episode, Dr. Andrea Wojnicki teaches you the 5 simple steps that will improve your communication skills. It’s as simple as ABCDE!

* Summary – “The ABCDEs of Communication”
* References & Links
* Andrea’s Commentary

Summary Page
(see the shownotes document HERE for a printable one-page summary!)

References & Links
Communication Skills & General References

* Professor Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist at Harvard on power posing
* Stephen Covey and his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Habit #5 was “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
* Epictetus, a Greek philosopher said, “We have two ears and one mouth – so that we can listen – twice as much as we speak.”
* FastCompany on communication skills (such as asking questions, displaying positive body language, and active listening)
* Virgin CEO Sir Richard Branson says that communication skills are the most important skills any leader can possess.

Research on Benefits of Deep Breathing


Talk About Talk Episodes Referenced

* #24 “The ABCDEs of Communication.”
* #1 Body Language with Cynthia Barlow
* #2 USING YOUR VOICE – with baritone opera singer Bradley Christensen.
* #4 LANGUAGE with Dr Josep Gonzalez
* #9 YOUR PERSONAL BRAND with Michael Boydell
* #10 COLOUR with Daryl Aitken, Jenn Purkis & Lori Ryerson
* #11 STORYTELLING – with Harvard professor Jerry Zaltman
* #16 FASHION with Toronto Fashion Week’s Carolyn Quinn
* #17 POSSESSIONS with Professor Russell Belk
