Talk Track

Talk Track

Episode 4 | Telesales Process Part 1

November 25, 2015

Using the phone to generate new business is a process I've been using this process for a decade to uncover new business opportunities for IT managed services and I'm 100% sure that this process works.  I believe in it and I'm excited to share it with you.  As hard as I know this process is, I know that if you embrace it, you will build the kind of business pipeline that will yield success for years to come. We'll cover the process in a few episodes. Your browser does not support the audio element. Download EpisodeOn iTunesRSS In this episode I talk about:A few success stories from around the BayAll Covered's mobility management webinar and ebookBelieving in the process and how that's a key to successBuilding your prospect pipeline (Top 200 or Warm 250)Target prospect profileWho should we reach out to inside of these target companiesHow to avoid blunt force traumaWhat does "I'm fine" really meanShow Notes:Recording of All Covered Mobility Management WebinarMobility Management EbookAcknowledgements - I didn't come up with any of this on my own.  I've learned from others.  Click here to meet my teachers.