Talk Talent To Me

Talk Talent To Me

Latest Episodes

Lance Haun on Sourcing's Future
October 24, 2017

Former Editor-in-Chief of SourceCon and Analyst at the Starr Conspiracy Lance Haun discusses which skills Sourcers and Recruiters should focus on as we move towards an automation-laden HR landscape.

Lightspeed Ventures Talent Partners
October 19, 2017

Cat Surane and Luke Beseda, Talent Partners for Lightspeed Ventures, discuss avoiding talented related technical debt, encouraging referrals early on, and identifying key candidate motivations on the phone screen.

Erin Wilson: Finding What Talent Wants
September 22, 2017

Founder at HirePool and former Talent Engineer at both BrightRoll and Yahoo, Erin Wilson discusses how to key in on what talent wants in a new role, and how to use that to prioritize your funnel. 
