Talk Is Sheep

Surivival Gear for the Back Country
While at Sheep Show in Reno we welcomed John and Jules Barklow to the podcast. We discuss a multitude of topics and do a bit of a deep dive into what is new for back country gear.
John has spent the last thirty years teaching backcountry hunters, military operators, and SAR teams how to live and thrive in the austere wilderness, where failure is not an option, and there are no excuses for failure. He has been developing technical hunting systems at Sitka Gear for the last ten years while aggressively pursuing his hunting dreams.
Check out John as hes selflessly shares his hard-earned knowledge across numerous platforms, including his website,, YouTube channel, Knowledge From Storms, Instagram @jbarklow, and his online training courses through
John will be attending our Mountain Hunting Expo in Penticton as a featured presenter. Come and learn from his experience directly by registering for our Salute to Conservation and Mountain Hunting Expo. On day one John will present with Adam Foss on Cold Weather Mountain Survival. Day two will include Survival for the Mountain Hunter. Be sure to register at:
Talk is Sheep is the Official Podcast of the Wild Sheep Society of BC. The official sponsor of the Wild Sheep Society of BC is SITKA Gear and our Conservation Partners - Frontiersmen Gear, Gunwerks, OnX Maps, Precision Optics, Schnee's, Stone Glacier, Wild TV, YETI and Zeiss.