Talk Da Talk

Talk Da Talk

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Talk Da Talk: EP5: Mothers Raise Daughters BUT Nurture Sons | Boys vs Girls
February 05, 2019

 So I've seen this statement 'Mothers raise Daughter's but nurture Son's' and I can't lie it touched a nerve. I had to speak on this, I had to share my voice & express my thoughts. Guys please let me know your thoughts on this subject.  Have

Talk Da Talk: EP4: She BLACK?! | Harry & Meghan's Engagement
February 05, 2019

Breaking News Prince Harry to marry next Spring.. So there's how I feel about the whole thing.    @SherNaturel 

Talk Da Talk: EP3: The Harsh Reality Of Being Black At Work
February 05, 2019

 And WOOSAH!!  I can't be the only who feel this way. Sometimes rant, get it out & hope things will change.      @SherNaturel 

Talk Da Talk: EP2: My First Smear Test | Cervical Screening On The NHS
February 05, 2019

I had my first smear test a few months before my 25th birthday, The whole experience was quick, easy & most importantly pain free. Two years later I was given information by my Doctor which instantly turned my world upside down.  @SherNaturel&nb

Talk Da Talk: EP1: The Truth About Moving Out
February 04, 2019

Thinking about fleeing the nest? Desperate to leave your nagging parents? Or had enough of sharing everything with your siblings? Well this video might just make you think twice and leave you counting your blessings.  Simply sharing my experience guy