Talk About Talking Blogcast
Monday: Starting Your Week on the Right Foot
Mondays can be really enjoyable when they get started the way you want them to, and they can be miserable when you have to fight uphill the entire day to get where you want to be. Monday is the gateway into a productive week. Having a good Monday is a choice that you make when you wake up on Monday.
Your Monday is like the page of a coloring book, the story that you tell yourself about what is going to happen for the rest of the day fills in the outlines of the events that take place. You cannot control your Monday, per se, but you can control how you see your Monday.
Gain control of your Monday and make it a good one by setting your contentment in doing your best. Give yourself a way each Monday to get a running start in case you need one. Give yourself a way each Monday to get a running start in case you need one.
You get to determine what will make you content. What makes you content should be something that depends only on you. Use your weekend to set up your Monday. You are never going to have enough time on Monday to plan for your contentment, so it is important that you are intentional about doing whatever it takes to be ready when the day comes.