Talk About Talking Blogcast
Blisters: Reactions to Irritants
A relational blister is when you have a pain response even just from the idea of having contact with a person. You will either get a relational blister from overexposure to a person or you get relational blisters from being rubbed the wrong way. Prevention is the best medicine for these kinds of things.
If you find that you are getting burnt by a person from overexposure then you get away from that person for a little bit. Learn your limits. Introverts and extroverts are kind of like people who need a lot of sunscreen and people who do not need very much sunscreen. If you need to step back from a person for a moment so that you can re-engage with them without getting burnt out then that is okay.
There are people in your life that rub you the wrong way. This doesn't mean avoid people who rub you the wrong way, but it definitely does mean make sure that you have something that prevent them from rubbing you the wrong way.
I have calluses in me because I have allowed for some things that would really rub me the wrong way to slowly build up my tolerance to them. You need to find your thing that will serve as a support between your soul and the other person.
Relational blisters cause us to walk funny in our relationships. They cause us to behave funny because we are trying to mitigate the amount of pain that we experience.