Talk 2 Q!

Talk 2 Q!

Latest Episodes

Dating 101: Be Humble
January 18, 2022

This is the 1st of a 4-part series that will occur here on T2Q to help guide those who are looking for love.

Hookup Without Heartbreak
December 30, 2021

Can women have casual sex without hurting themselves or emotionally-stunting their growth?  My guest says that it's possible to do so and without shame. Intimacy and relationship coach, Lia Holmgren, joins this Q-on-1 episode to discuss her new book,

Do We Embrace Stripper Culture?
December 23, 2021

BBLs. Stilettos. Extremely tight and revealing clothing. You can see all of that just by taking a trip to the mall. Outfits that were once reserved for on-stage performances and nightclubs are now everyday attire. The profession of exotic dancers were onc

Natural Born "Cheaters"?
December 16, 2021

Is it in our nature to cheat?  Is it biological? Less than 5% of mammals maintain lifelong partners.  Should people be included in that number?  Many believe that humans are not meant to be with one mate for life and that society limits our

Don't Wait On Marriage
December 09, 2021

I talk to my guests and Show Legends about the many reasons people aren't married. Some women waste their time waiting for a guy to marry them. Some people put off marriage to further their education or career. Some people just want to sleep around until

The Meme Show! (What Would You Do?)
December 02, 2021

I ask questions from random relationship memes scenarios that I find on social media and YOU get to answer them!  Baby mamas and daddies, cheaters and more.  I present the meme and you give your response on how you would handle it. All of that a

The Law Of Attraction
November 25, 2021

Do we actually reap what we sow? Is the energy that we put out the energy that we can expect in return? When it comes to attraction, it's not always about the physical. Sometimes the type of life you lead can attract certain kinds of characters in your li

Winter Is Coming...
November 18, 2021

It's that time of the year when "hobosexuals" try to find a place to lay up for the winter and women make bad decisions to keep from being alone for the holidays. We're a month into Cuffing Season and those without a mate could find themselves scrambling

When Do Women Mature?
November 11, 2021

At what point does a lady mature into a woman? It's not a specific age that brings about the transformation, but a set of events. However, it's the early stages of his development that will determine when or if she ever reaches maturity.  What factor

When Do You Start Being Parents?
November 04, 2021

We all wish that we could stay young and enjoy what life has to offer.  Staying out late, throwing back drinks or looking to smash is something that a lot of people wish they could do until the end of time.  That's the beauty of being able to li