Tale Waves

Latest Episodes
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 025
Episode 25 of Tale Waves - our storytelling podcast for younger children - is a tale called 'Junk' - inspired by the amount of litter we leave behind us, in the oceans, on the streets, in the rivers - and even in space!
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 024
Episode 24 of Tale Waves - our storytelling podcast for younger children - is inspired by the Castle Street Flowers stall in Farnham - and is called Floria. - It is set in 1810, and is about an orphaned child who is forced to sleep under the flowe...
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 023
Episode 23 of Tale Waves - our storytelling podcast for younger children - is called "Opticus Owl Raises The Mighty Vesselonius" - from Farnham storyteller, Gilly Stewart. - It also features two teddy bears (Frankie and Captain Weed),
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 022
Episode 22 of Tale Waves - our storytelling podcast for younger children - is called 'Aria, The Operatic Nightingale', and is a tale full of musical, melodious magic. - It features a nightingale called 'Diva' who tells of the sad loss,
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 021
Episode 21 of Tale Waves - our storytelling podcast for younger children - is a tale about A Doll's House - plus a little girl called Olivia, and a mouse called Montford. - It is about a birthday, presents, dreams, fantasy, friendship,
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 020
Episode 20 of Tale Waves - the storytelling podcast for younger children - is a story entitled "Sky Dancers", and is told to our regular host Hetty by somebody called Starday Nite, once known as Alexander. - To mark the fact,
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE 019
Episode 19 of Tale Waves - the storytelling podcast for younger children - is a story called The Icicle Fairy Fountain, full of enchantment, adventure, naughty behaviour, wickedness, happiness, friendship, love, beautiful music,
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE018
Episode 18 of Tale Waves - the storytelling podcast for younger children - is a story featuring a time-travelling King, set in Farnham, Surrey. It is entitled Meeting Charlie. - It is based on the true story of when King Charles I stayed overnigh...
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE017
Episode 17 of Tale Waves - the children's storytelling podcast for younger children - is a story called Foo-Fow's Funky Factory, set in Pom-Pom Land, and featuring Percy, the Sea Serpent. - The story is one about hardworking La-Las,
Tale Waves with Gilly Stewart: TALE016
Episode 16 of Tale Waves from the mind of Gilly Stewart is a story called Tree Runners - a wonderful story of fantasy, unknown beings and enchantment, told to regular host Hetty Tale Waves by our guest storyteller, Daisy Serkel. -