Tales from the Journey

Tales from the Journey

Letting Go of Relationships and Creating Space for Healing and Growth

April 19, 2022

In today’s episode, I’m talking about creating space for healing and growth, letting go of the hands that held us, and reframing scarcity in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions. The truth is, creating space is a necessary part of growth, and with growth comes outgrowing. Not always, but often. Since releasing my memoir, Unravel, so many people have reached out to me about finding the courage to let go of relationships that no longer serve them and how to move past the fear of experiencing loss when we start to evolve beyond our present level of living. In this conversation, I hope to normalize the experience of outgrowing the people and communities in our lives without making ourselves or anyone else wrong or bad. I know you’ll gain a lot from these lessons!

What to listen for:

  • Why this topic is so essential and personal to me
  • Having the courage to lean into your growth and stop fearing loss
  • Letting go need not come with judgment of ourselves or others

“It’s really important to understand that this is not a judgment on ourselves or other people. It’s simply a statement of fact. When we grow, we outgrow things. We know this to be true in a lot of ways, but when we weave in relationships and other people, there’s a lot of story around it, both internal and external.

  • Why space is so vital for healing and growth
  • This doesn’t mean isolation unless that’s what feels right for you
  • My own stories of consciously choosing periods of isolation

Space means having the room to be with yourself, process what you’ve been through, process who you are now and who you’re becoming, make sense of things, get clarity, and find what’s aligned for you… without the feedback of people who are trying to control and maybe even manipulate the situation in their favor or based on their comfort.”

  • Creating space to hear myself and my truth again
  • What creating space can look like in your life
  • Figuring out who genuinely supports your process
  • When people “support” us from selfish motivations
  • Finding out who are true friends our during times of transition

“You’ll realize that the people that you thought would be there actually aren’t, and this is painful. This is heartbreaking. This is hard. It’s confusing. There’s a lot of emotion that comes up with it, but it’s actually very normal.”

  • Normalizing these experiences from all angles
  • Our subconscious programming and how it interferes
  • Discerning what’s best for you regardless of people’s expectations
  • The reorienting process and navigating renegotiation and release

“I had to release that relationship because I couldn’t hear myself anymore. And I didn’t feel like the support that I was getting was actually supportive of what I needed in the moment and supportive of me growing into who I needed to be and healing in the ways that I needed.

  • Life is continually unfolding, and we’re constantly growing
  • Finding people who evolve with us and meet us anew every day
  • There’s no scarcity of good people in this world
  • The fear that says we’ll end up alone is a lie

“Suddenly we’re alone. And now we’re going to be alone until the end of time. That’s a story rooted in fear. That’s not true. It’s a lie. It is something our subconscious does because it wants us to go back to the known and familiar.”

  • The feeling of “always passing through” during massive growth
  • Opening to new fields and aligning with new frequencies
  • A final reminder that judgment is unnecessary
  • Trust the process and trust your heart


Access our free workbook for how to make the impossible happen, and our powerful 8-part Journey Mapping™ sampler program and begin uncovering the purpose of your path at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv/Free/.

Read my memoir, Unravel: Rising Up and Coming Back from a Season of Living that Damn Near Killed Me at www.TheUnravelBook.com.

Tales from the Journey™ is a Stephenie Zamora Media Production.