Tales from the Journey

Tales from the Journey

Latest Episodes

Practicing Presence, Facing Forward, and Writing an Aligned Ending
June 21, 2022

In this episode, Im closing out season two with an important conversation about practicing presence, facing forward, and writing ourselves into an aligned storyline. This conversation is about seemin

Stepping Out of the Darkness and into Suicide Prevention with Lark Galley
June 07, 2022

Content warning: mental illness and suicide loss. Today Im talking to Lark Dean Galley about stepping out of the darkness and into suicide prevention. After working in the corporate world for 25 year

Learning to Live Not Loathe Despite Challenging Chapters with Jevon Wooden
May 31, 2022

*Content warning: depression and suicidal ideation. Today Im talking to Jevon Wooden, an Army Veteran, certified mindset in perception coach, author, speaker, about learning to live not loathe despit

Finding Purpose in Mental Health After Suicide Loss with Michelle Anhang
May 24, 2022

*Content warning: grief and suicide loss. Today I'm talking with Michelle Anhang, a Certified Life Coach who specializes in supporting individuals and families living with mental health challenges as

Context, What Really Happened, and the Art of Not Taking Things Personally
May 17, 2022

In todays episode, Im talking about context, what really happened, and the art of not taking things personallyall things that lead to greater leverage and freedom! These are especially important as

Finding Faith, Focus, and Purpose After Abuse with Dominion Ezechibueze
May 10, 2022

Today I'm talking with Dominion Ezechibueze, founder of Minion Training and a Division I Football player, about finding faith, focus, and purpose after abuse. Dominion is a Nigerian immigrant who wasn

The Road to Uncovering Your North Star with Nicola Holmes
May 03, 2022

Today I'm talking with Nicola Holmes, a Life Coach who helps people step into their joyful power and realize their boldest dreams, about the road to uncovering your north star. In this episode, she sh

Turning Pain Into Purpose and Finding Peace After Prison with Danny Sanchez
April 26, 2022

Content warning: domestic violence, sexual assault, and suicide. In this episode, I'm talking to Danny Sanchez, Founder and Executive Director of The City Peace Project in San Jose, about turning pain

Letting Go of Relationships and Creating Space for Healing and Growth
April 19, 2022

In today's episode, I'm talking about creating space for healing and growth, letting go of the hands that held us, and reframing scarcity in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transiti

Purposeful Redirection After a Life of Rejection with Tenita Johnson
April 07, 2022

Content warning: sexual assault and suicidal ideation. Today I'm talking with Tenita Bestseller Johnson authorprenuer, speaker, and book coach on a mission to transform pain into purpose. In this ep
