Talentwise: Future-proof your team

Talentwise: Future-proof your team

In Conversation with Catherine B. Roy

September 22, 2019

Catherine B Roy

* Programs such as accounting programs stand to take away many job positions because those roles become redundant. It is very important for organizations to re-skill and re-deploy such employees whose jobs are at risk over the next few years.  * Salespersons understand the sales process far better than any program. Human beings have empathy and creative skills that AI cannot match today. Organizations understand that their best sales strategy is to employ human intelligence at the frontline. * Even when AI does play a role in sales, human expertise is required to create the AI. SMEs should then become consultants or creators of AI programs. In any case, every individual also needs to keep up with the times and adapt to new technologies. 

These and more insights from the ground in this great episode of TalentWise.   

Run time – 24.43 mins.