Talentwise: Future-proof your team

Talentwise: Future-proof your team

In Conversation with Prajjal Saha

September 02, 2019

Prajjal Saha

* Changes and disruptions have happened throughout history. What is happening today is simply a repeat of such historic events. But the rate at which these changes will happen is not going to be as dramatic as projected. Changes will come in slowly, and unevenly across sectors and industries.* This slower rate of change will allow people to adapt to changes. Rather than many people losing jobs, it would be more correct to say that over time more and more people will adapt to the technological changes that will happen.* Most of the Indian Industry is still engaged in handling day to day problems, and not really thinking about the future. This also makes business sense for now. But there being no strong partnerships between the academic institutions and industry, no epoch-making changes or technological breakthroughs are happening in the country.

These and more insights from the ground in this great episode of TalentWise.   

Run time – 34.16 mins.