Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge Podcast 76: ESPN’s Jim Caple, Mexican skier Hubertus von Hohenlohe and Serbian snowboarder Nina Micic

February 26, 2014

Serbian snowboarder Nina Micic, Mexican alpine skier Hubertus von Hohenlohe and ESPN’s Jim Caple talk to Taking The Charge about the 2014 Olympics.

Taking The Charge Podcast Episode 76: Os Davis of BallinEurope and Dave of heinnews talk about about the 2014 Winter Olympics with Hubertus von Hohenlohe, Nina Micic and Jim Caple.  For the Movie of the Week, we watched The Color of Money.

Emails to heinnews@gmx.de

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Episode 76: Breakdown of show

News: The 2014 Winter Olympics, EuroBasket 2015, Euroleague

Hubertus von Hohenlohe: 29:50 – Here is my article about covering the prince

Nina Micic: 38:40

Jim Caple: 58:30

This week’s music: “Free Pussy Riot” by R. Stevie Moore 1:58:35; “Free Pussy Riot (Start a Revolution)” by The New Sex and Drugs 2:21:30

Movie of the Week: 2:02:05

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