Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge podcast Episode 25: German international Per Günther and Emiliano Carchia of Sportando

March 06, 2013

Per Günther from ratiopharm ulm and Emiliano Carchia of Sportando.net – Günther pic by SID-IMAGES/Beko BBL/Ulf Duda

Taking The Charge Podcast Episode 25: Os Davis of BallinEurope and Dave of heinnews talk to Per Günther of ratiopharm ulm about his chances of making the German national team and thoughts of playing abroad. We also chatted with Emiliano Carchia of Sportando about confirming rumors and his pick for the best “Harlem Shake” thus far.

For the music of the week, we listen to The Recordettes, and for the Movie of the Week we watched “Space Jam” featuring Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes.

Emails to takingthecharge@hotmail.com

To subscribe to the show, insert this feed into your podcast aggregator (such as iTunes):


Here is the trailer of “Space Jam”

And here is a great look at Michael Jordan’s attempt at playing baseball.

Episode 25: Breakdown of show

News: Talk about Dennis Rodman in North Korea and the Harlem Shake: 5:30

Per Günther of  ratiopharm ulm: 47:10

Emiliano Carchia of Sportando.net: 1:20:10

This week’s music: The Recordettes (here another link)- “Too Late For Love“ 1:47:30 and “Fight For Your Love” 2:30:00

Movie of the Week: Space Jam: 1:52:20





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