Taking Back Birth

Latest Episodes
Why Pregnancy is an Amazing Time to Learn to Be In Your Body
There is no experience like growing a baby for deciding to feel the body and tuning into her! This is a slow process, with time and space and healing cannot be rushed. I share more about how I think t
A Smorgasbord Blab about Postpartum Hemorrhage
I did a new thing this past week, which is I recorded this podcast live on Youtube. Youll hear other peoples questions, and some more thoughts and pondering on how to label postpartum hemorrhage, th
“You’re Not Allowed” to Not Allow Me
Wow, I had fun with this one! We posted a reel this week on Instagram of a beautiful Closing of the Bones ceremony that we offered a mama we served. This podcast is a combo of describing that to you
The Magical Mama Circle and a Webinar Replay
I am so excited to finally launch my Magical Mama Circle! I talked all about it after a quick webinar this week called How to Raise Magical Children. If you couldnt attend live, and (like me) you p
A Homebirth After 3 C-Sections with Erny Jett
I am so honored to have interviewed one of my favorite mama clients, Erny, who I met a while ago at an Indie Birth free workshop. She invited me on the journey of her fourth pregnancy and what a beaut
Why Dopplers are Dumb (Or, the Overreliance on Technology)
I had fun with this one since Im not attending births right now and felt I could be so super duper honest! My hope for this podcast is that it inspires you to think beyond the (medical) box weve oft
Birth is Not Like Cabinets
In this podcast, I wanted to riff on a recent post/blog I made about birth not being something you order up like cabinets. I go into a LOT more detail and expand on this idea with what I feel we CAN a
Mothering #11: Continued Breastfeeding Through the Toddler Years
I have breastfed 10 babies and (still going) have learned a lot about nursing beyond the baby and infant time. Tune in to learn about Magical Mama membership and my experience around nursing older bab
Meditation for Connecting with Your Baby In the Womb
Take these 10 minutes or so to connect with the baby that is growing in your womb, at whatever stage of pregnancy you are in. Connecting with your baby is one of the most sound ways to open that conve
What if Midwifery Apprenticeship Looked More Like This?
SO excited to have Sam and Angelia on my podcast! Both of these amazing ladies have been working alongside of me the last year as students and apprentices and friends. I love the conversation we had a