Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn

Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn

Season Two: Episode Eight: As the daylight dies

July 29, 2018

There are times in life when even heroes fall short
Times where men, can not be bought
Where words needing heard have not been spoken
and misunderstandings risk promises broken

This week's episode features a promo from our friends at the Party of One podcast

You can find them on twitter here; https://twitter.com/PartyOfOnePod

Important news update after the cut!


As you'll hear in today's episode release, after episode 9 (August 5th release), our show will enter Hiatus for the month of August.

There are a lot of reasons, The main two are as below;

Primary reason!

My youngest sister, through circumstances which were beyond her control, became pregnant and despite the conditions, has carried the pregnancy full term! I'm proud of the person she has grown to be through the years but for all intents and purposes, she's going to need some direct support once she gives birth (as of Monday, she's two weeks overdue so things are getting stressful!).

For this, I'll be dropping everything and heading over there to move in with my family for at least a few days, likely a week. This means completely dropping access to my editing equipment during that time.

Second reason! And the biggest factor, a few months back, I got sick. REALLY sick. I couldn't edit for weeks and could barely record (if you listen to the early episodes of season two and listen closely, you can tell but I edited as carefully as I could to minimise the impact).

This has resulted in me being in a position where I am constantly racing just one step ahead of our release every week.
Whilst this is still manageable, it is putting an immense amount of stress on me as a person and is dramatically impacting my ability to do a quality job without losing sleep. At present, I'm just sacrificing sleep.
Obviously, this isn't something that can continue long term and so, action must be taken!

So, what does the hiatus mean for you as listeners?

Other than social media interaction (and we encourage you to stay in touch on twitter or via Discord!), the hiatus for us will be a lot of radio silence. But rest assured, this time will be used intensively.
Primarily producing backlog of edited content ready for release.

Please know that this is the absolute furthest thing from what I want to do, but the reality is, it's what's needed and I know that our show will come back the stronger for it.

Thank you so much, as ever, for your love, understanding and support. Our community has been nothing short of amazing with the issues we've had.

So remember, in this realm or the next, The Scales of justice are here for you. Always.