Sweetly Speaking

Sweetly Speaking

Lightning Bolt Moments

June 25, 2019

During the adventures of our lives we are often called to trust those ‘lightning bolt moments.”  We are called to trust the path even when we can’t see the road ahead.  This path requires faith, action and being an expert in what we love!  What if you shift from a space of fear to a space of excitement, acting as if what you desire is desiring you as well.  If you are interested in indie self publishing, then stay tuned for an interview with Gail Kearns of To Press & Beyond in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.  Her companyis a full service book shepherding agency.  She offers all levels of editing and production.  Gail began her business as a self taught editor over 20 years ago.  She offers helpful insights to accomplish your goals of becoming a published author.  Gail is also a co-author of a beautiful cookbook, The Gourmet Girls Go Camping:  Amazing Meals Straight from the Campfire.  Her cookbook can be purchased on the website www.gourmentgirlsonfire.com as well as on Amazon.  She adores Big Sur and recently added a furry companion to her family. Her advice for aspiring authors is to write what you are passionate about and learn to self edit!  She’s truly a treasure!

Guest Name: Gail Kearns

Website: www.topressandbeyond