Sweetly Speaking

Sweetly Speaking

Digging for the Truth!

June 25, 2019

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Heart Centered Hypnotherapist and Author, Regina McCarthy shares her story of digging for the truth in her personal healing journey and how that led her to writing Courageous Gilbert the Groundhog.  This truly is a story for children of all ages.  She introduces us to the notion of getting to know ourselves through our emotions.  When we feel helpless, overwhelmed and trapped it leads us to feeling trapped in the fight/flight/freeze response. However as we feel emotions and express them in appropriate ways we allow ourselves to be in control of our emotions rather than our emotions controlling us.  She taps into the breath which she shares, “Is free and right under our noses.”  She uses Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breathing as well as a host of other healing techniques to release emotions from our bodies.  You’re gonna love this amazing heart as she shares her passion for truth searching!  Follow your heart and find your passion!  Stay tuned as she is working on her next book which focuses on what makes a bully a bully.

Guest Name: Regina McCarthy

Website: www.courageousgilbert.com