Swallow Your Pride Podcast

Swallow Your Pride Podcast

263 – The SLP Field of Dreams: If You Build It, The Patients Will Come – Katie Moore, MS, CCC-SLP

January 18, 2023

As SLPs, we often have BIG dreams of how we can improve our field, our facility, and the care our patients receive. All too often, these big dreams are suffocated by red tape and never come to fruition despite SLPs' most valiant efforts. It's certainly an uphill battle, but my guest this week is showing us how to pave our own path to the field of our SLP dreams.

In this episode of SYP, I have a conversation with Katie Moore, MS, CCC-SLP, about her monumental achievements in her career, including building not one but two full-time positions in her outpatient rehab facility but also building an entire Head and Neck Cancer Clinic where she works hand-in-hand with her surgeons, radiation oncologists, radiologists, and the entire medical team to provide the best care for cancer patients (including pre-treatment education! *cue the clapping from SLPs everywhere*)

Katie is tenacious and determined but she is also laser-focused on providing the highest quality of care to help her patients win.

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In this episode, you'll hear about:
-How to navigate hospital administration to expand speech therapy services
-How to identify gaps in patient referral basis
-Ways to advocate for your employer to support your continuing education needs while expanding services to better serve your patients
-Why engaging in interdisciplinary conversations will increase your referral base
-Ways to pave your own path when you feel like you keep hitting road blocks when trying to add or expand new services
-What to do when you feel like throwing in the towel

Get the show notes at syppodcast.com/263
