Swallow Your Pride Podcast

Swallow Your Pride Podcast

287 – Med SLP Mentorship: The What, Who, How, and Why…

July 14, 2023

Four med SLPs come together and spill the beans on how SLPs can grow their careers and confidence like never before.  It all boils down to one simple word… Mentorship.

In this episode of the Swallow Your Pride podcast, host Theresa Richard and a group of med SLP mentors dive deep into the world of mentoring and its impact on their careers *as well as* the careers of those they’ve mentored.

Guests Isabel Lawton, George Barnes, Jessica Gregor, and Dr. Lori Burkhead Morgan share their personal experiences with mentorship, from finding mentors during externships to creating supportive environments for colleagues. They emphasize the importance of collaboration and the reciprocal nature of mentorship, where both mentors and mentees can learn and grow.

But mentorship doesn't have to be formal or long-term. It can be as simple as reaching out to someone for advice and support. The speakers discuss different mentorship styles and how they can adapt to meet the needs of each individual. They also share success stories, where mentorship led to job promotions, program implementations, and positive changes in patient care.

So, if you're ready to take your career to the next level, don't underestimate the power of mentorship. Tune in to this episode and discover how seeking guidance can transform your professional growth. Subscribe, leave reviews, and share the podcast to spread the word about the importance of mentorship in the field of speech-language pathology.

Get the show notes: https://syppodcast.com/287

Find out more about the MedSLP Ed Certification Program: https://medslped.com/certification

[00:01:13] Discussion about the importance of mentorship in the field of speech-language pathology and the lack of formal requirements for mentoring in the profession.

[00:02:10] Introduction of the speakers and their experiences in the field of speech-language pathology, including their areas of expertise and involvement in mentoring.

[00:07:12] Discussion on the significance of mentorship, drawing parallels between the corporate world and the clinical side, and the value of observing and learning from others.

[00:10:13] The speakers discuss the significance of mentoring in their careers and the value of nurturing relationships with colleagues and students.

[00:10:58] The speakers emphasize that mentorship is a two-way street, where everyone has the opportunity to give back and support others in the field.

[00:12:45] The speakers highlight the informal nature of mentorship in the field and express their willingness to help others with clinical or career questions.

[00:18:59] The speakers discuss their different mentoring styles, including being responsive, asking for feedback, and adapting to the mentee's communication style.

 [00:20:57] The speakers emphasize the importance of effective communication in mentoring, such as talking it out, engaging in conversations, and using video calls to understand and support the mentee.

[00:23:18] The speakers highlight the value of giving space and time in mentoring, allowing the mentee to come to their own conclusions and providing support through discussion-provoking questions.

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