Surrounded by Idiots Radio Podcast

Confidence Battling Cancer
Here is the Youtube Video Podcast link:
At 28 years old, Rachel was diagnosed with Leukemia.
It was a total shock to this young wife and mother of two young children.
Finding herself alone in her hospital bed, going through multiple rounds of chemotherapy, losing her hair and feeling like she couldn’t go through one more day of it…
…Rachel summoned the courage to FIGHT…to take back her life…to regain her Confidence.
In the show, Rachel openly talks about her journey…the ups and the downs…and shares the specific mental mindset and tools she used in order to stay Confident through her crisis.
Confidence Battling Cancer takes a strong mind, a strong heart and a loving and supportive tribe.
Rachel shares her journey in the hope it will provide comfort and guidance to anyone or any family that is battling through cancer.
Like and subscribe…the new She Talks Confidence Podcast is all about Women and Confidence through shared struggles and personal stories.
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