Surrounded by Idiots Radio Podcast

Confidence Changing Careers
Watch the Youtube video Podcast here:
My special guest, Marina Tolentino shares her story about how she found the confidence to begin an entirely different career after Covid wiped out her small business.

Topics Marina and I chat about include:
- How to accept failure and move forward at the same time.
- How to balance family and job when starting a brand new job.
- The importance of realistic expectations and boundaries when trying to create a balanced life.
- How to STOP living in a “state of reactivity” and begin to take control of your life.
- Turning Burn Out into a balanced and fulfilling career.
- The importance of self-care and a support team.
And, Marina shares her #1 tip on how to keep you Confidence going strong through such a difficult life transition.
Marina is now one of the top Real Estate Experts in Hawaii.
She is now using her experience to mentor others on how to confidently begin a new career in real estate.
If you would like to get in touch with Marina for her free giveaway or to ask a question or get advice, you can reach her at:
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The post Confidence Changing Careers appeared first on SBI Radio Podcast.