Surrounded by Idiots Radio Podcast

She Talks Music for Courage and Confidence
I have invited Personal Coach and Brand Strategist, Kristen Hartnagel on the show to talk about
Music for Courage and Confidence.
If you want to watch the Youtube video, go to
Kristen has used music in her coaching and therapy for a number of powerful reasons, such as:
- As a Meditation device to calm Overthinking
- As a healing energy to create greater inner harmony
- As a way to breakthrough boundaries
Music is one of the most powerful forces in the world.
And when used to “focus” and “empower” it leads to incredible amounts of both Courage and Confidence.
Here is the link to Kristen’s free song:
Kristen Hartnagel is keynote speaker, a personal brand expert, and coach at the globally renowned Brand Builders Group.
She works with clients including New York Times bestselling authors, celebrities, billionaire influencers, CEOs, and entrepreneurs guiding them to tap into their unique gifts and talents to attract the right opportunities and people into their lives.
Through her company Evolve Now, she helps individuals break through belief barriers and reach their next level of greatness.
If you would like to work with Kristen, you can reach her at
Any questions or comments for me?
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