Surrounded by Idiots Radio Podcast

Single at 40 and Lonely?
Take it from me…I’ve been there…Single at 40 … lonely … thinking I’m too old to find anyone now.
Yeah, I get it, but guess what?
There is a solution to being alone at 40 or 50, or even 60+.
And in this week’s show I share the one quick fix that will shift your mindset from lonely to an unstoppable, confident force of nature.
How to use your thinking to turn the page on loneliness and look at this moment as a fresh new chapter in your life where you can use all of your life experience to FINALLY attract someone that DESERVES to be with you.
It’s all about:
* Letting Go
* Finding the Flow
* Feel the Glow
Stop wasting one second more of your precious life.
It’s about letting go and embracing your age and experience and making it work for you to create deep, meaningful relationships.
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