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Latest Episodes

SLMep6-My Silent Bravery
October 05, 2015

This weeks guess is Matt of My Silent Bravery. Hear about how he started playing music to touring with some of the biggest name is music.

SLMep5-Last Band Standing Night 5
September 28, 2015

Interviews with bands from The Last Band Standing night 5

September 28, 2015

A tool that will is revolutionizing the local music scene that makes it easy for musicians, fans, venue and promoter all come together to find one another.

September 21, 2015

A 1 on 1 conversation with local musician Ilene Springer. Hear what it means to be a part of the local music scene from those that live it. Visit to see past podcasts and local bands.

September 01, 2015

A 1 on 1 conversation with Mindset x frontman Steve Haidaichuk. Hear what it means to be a part of the local music scene from those that live it. Visit to see past podcasts and local bands.

SLMEpisode1-Ron Roy
August 25, 2015

A 1 on 1 conversation with Sheez Late frontman Ron Roy. Hear what it means to be a part of the local music scene from those that live it. Visit to see past podcasts and local bands.