Support For Survivors | Sexual Abuse Survivor Legal Advocates

Support For Survivors | Sexual Abuse Survivor Legal Advocates

Survivor Story: Aarefah

December 28, 2022

Interview with Aarefah, a sexual abuse survivor

We are grateful for our listeners. So many survivors have tuned in, listened to our show, and have sent messages asking to come on and share their stories. We are honored to bring you another interview in our popular Survivor Series. Aarefah is a sexual assault survivor and human rights advocate. She was assaulted by a fellow college student who she worked with at her university’s math tutoring service. Aarefah shares her experience as she reported the assault and pursued justice through the legal system. She also provides advice for other survivors who are navigating their own path to healing.

Guest- Aarefah

About Aarefah

Aarefah is a human rights advocate who has served as a keynote speaker on several college campuses including UC Berkeley, Diablo Valley College, Diablo Valley Peace and Justice Center, San Francisco State University, Pasadena City College, Wayne State University, University of Michigan and UC Irvine. You can find more information about Aarefah’s quest for justice here