NICE WORK! A Podcast of the Super Nice Club

NICE WORK! A Podcast of the Super Nice Club


June 28, 2022
Amelia, Ryan & Tod Offend 96% of Humanity + a great meet cute story

AMELIA BOONE. RYAN VAN DUZER. You know who they are. If you don’t, you won’t learn that much about them in this episode, because we don’t really talk about the things that they’ve worked so darned hard to be known (at least partially) for. Instead, this episode is more about two super nice people who have come together in a great way (via this podcast…taking full credit here) to complement one another seamlessly and add even more wattage to their individual super shine. Yeah, I just typed that.

Due to the last episode’s rant against gun control, we lost our My Pillow sponsorship, meaning we couldn’t afford to pay the rent on our podcast studio in Steve Bannon’s garage. You might notice a slight dip in audio quality as a result, but rest assured we’ll have it fixed by our final episode, #100. As an aside, it is entirely possible that during out time at Bannon’s garage, we collected enough of Steve Bannon’s hair and skin dust that we think we’re close, with the help of our Chinese sponsor Xiami, to creating a cloned baby Bannon, who we plan on raising as super nicely as possible in a forward-thinking effort to create an anti-MAGA warrior with all the smarmy smarts of his progenitor and all the heart and empathy of Don Cheadle. Stay tuned!


> The Amelia-Ryan meet cute story which really is cute and inspiring

> Ryan’s amazing wing-mom who lives above Ryan’s basement 

> Saving the world with eBikes while rallying against woefully unfair eBike subsidies

> The well-proven efficacy of ‘thoughts and prayers’

> Amelia’s garage-based rattlesnake farm (strange/true)

> DEBUNKED: The myth of the psychedelic runner’s high

> A really boring, overlong segment where Amelia gives Tod physical therapy advice
> LIFE HACK: The great Slurpee brain freeze trick

> Predictable mentions of root beer floats

> Is it possible to mow your neighbor’s lawn without asking in a non-passive aggressive way?

> Is it okay for an adult to start a lemonade stand to compete with kids? If no, how far away should the adult lemonade stand be? Is this something that local city councils should draft ordinances in order to codify? Should adults even start lemonade stands in the first place?

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