That One Episode Of Star Trek

That One Episode Of Star Trek

That One Episode of Star Trek: “Disaster”

October 28, 2020

I wonder what happens in this episode?

What doesn't happen in this episode? Picard drafts children in to Starfleet, Riker plays with Data's head, Worf pretends to be a doctor, and Geordi attempts to space himself and Dr. Crusher after being forced to sing in front of her. What a Disaster!

That One Episode of Star Trek returns for absolutely no good reason. Featuring ExVee, HeyMickey, and Ken, this may not be the podcast you want, or even need. But it's definitely the podcast you deserve.

TOEOST will be running about twice per month, except when it doesn't. If you want to get new episodes as soon as possible, consider becoming a patron. Episodes debut for patrons about two weeks before they get posted for everyone else, and honestly, aren't we worth it?