

The 9 phases of exponential growth - Listen to this if you think you've hit a plateau

March 21, 2023

When you’re working towards your big life goals and it feels like you’re not really getting anywhere or moving as fast as you’d like to and you’ve hit a plateau, it’s natural to start questioning if you’re even meant to achieve this at all. 

Everyone around you may be telling you to go down the safe path because they care about you and don’t understand the journey you’ve embarked on. You’re feeling impatient with your growth but ultimately, deep down, you know it’s not about how much time it takes. 

You’re on a different path - The exponential growth path.  

This mammoth episode is perfect for you if you’re feeling frustrated with the plateau and you might not even realise you’ve chosen the exponential growth path. Many others around you will have chosen the incremental path where each step is predictable and steady. They went to school, then university, got a job, worked their way up in a company and bought houses etc. Their journey through life is predictable and safe. 

But that’s often not the case for the creative entrepreneur and I want to talk about this with you today because too often people give up too early. They take the advice of people on an incremental path and choose to walk away. I want you to stay on your exponential growth path and wind up living a life you never thought possible. 

In this episode, I’ll explore 9 phases where you may find yourself on your exponential growth path: 

  1. A loose vision. 
  2. Courage.
  3. Patience. 
  4. Discipline. 
  5. An exponential mind and openness to opportunities and knowing that anything is possible. 
  6. Flexibility or agility.
  7. Know what to control and let go of the rest. 
  8. Intuition.  
  9. Sustainability.

Exponential growth requires an exponential mindset. You can be in any industry at any point and it can happen for you. You can switch to thinking exponentially, and it can make a difference to any path that you are on.

So join me to deep dive into your own growth path and together we’ll explore how you can expand and open up your thinking to get you ready for your quantum leap.


Resources mentioned: 

Join me in The Plateau Playbook Masterclass

Check out my free Weekly Review Spreadsheet here

The Fierce Salon -
