

Radical Responsibility vs OVER-responsibility

September 16, 2021

In the personal coaching field, you may have heard of the term ‘radical responsibility’.


By using radical responsibility, you take your power back.


You look for ways you can show up differently. You take responsibility for your actions, thoughts, energy, and words in each aspect of your life that is under your control.


It is common in the world for people to blame the government, the weather, and others for their problems. Radical responsibility gives us freedom to see where you can make a difference.


However, it is so important to highlight the difference between radical responsibility and OVER-responsibility.


Over-responsibility involves taking responsibility for things that have nothing to do with you.


You may feel this by blaming yourself for everything and not feeling like you are enough. The weight of the world is on your shoulders and this energy doesn’t allow you to problem solve or analyse the situation.


In this episode, I will ask you four questions to encourage you to enter your critical thinking awareness and not allow over-responsibility to derail your business.


I would love for you to listen and reflect. Please let me know your insights on radical responsibility and how you recognise the signs of over-responsibility in your business.





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