Female Breadwinners Don't Have to Carry The Mental Load
The gender role conversation is a hot topic that carries a lot of weight for so many men and women. As humanity evolves, the roles are evolving too and we’re no longer bound by the stereotypical conventions of male and female conditioning. We have a choice about everything.
We get to choose how we live our lives and in this episode I’m going to unpack the topic of female breadwinners and debunk some of the reasons why there is so much guilt, resentment and bitterness attached to the idea.
I’m going to let you in behind closed doors and get quite personal to open up the discussion of female breadwinners and why maintaining polarity in your relationship is so important. I share details of some of the conversations Jamie and I have had and the decisions we’ve made to be in a place of agreement about the roles we both play in our partnership. I dive into my personal experience growing up with a fear of being the breadwinner, how social conditioning impacted my internal script of how things should go and the mental hurdles I overcame to be in the place I am today; happy, successful, running my own business and in a supportive, loving and healthy relationship.
Whether you’re the breadwinner or you’re relying on the income of your partner, this episode is for you. It’s time we stop feeling guilty for living the life we want to live.
NLP Training:
The Fierce Salon:
Youtube video: Being the Breadwinner in Your Relationships