

Dissolve Problems by Thinking Bigger (a guide)

July 29, 2020

Some people are born with the skill of thinking big.  They dream, they know how to push the boundaries and do things differently to solve problems and achieve the things they desire.  For most of us however, it’s a skill that requires practise.  But that’s actually the good news.  If you want to start thinking bigger and approach the circumstances of your life with more ease and more joy, all you need to do is practise.

Thinking bigger might sound daunting to some. Attached to the concept are connotations of working harder, pushing more, becoming a better person and that all sounds really exhausting!  Thinking bigger doesn’t necessarily mean doing bigger.  What you’ll learn today is that it’s not so much about pushing through, but about stepping back and asking yourself a different question.

In this episode, I share some tips on how to start flexing your mind muscle and give yourself the time and space to start thinking bigger. As you practise and start dreaming, you will allow new perspectives to shift your current thinking to go outside the boundaries of your problem.  I’ll also give you some simple questions that you can ask yourself to start opening up your mind to more expansive possibilities.

Thinking bigger is by far the most fun skill that I have cultivated in my life.  Remember, dreaming is free.  Thinking is free.  So allow yourself to go there and stretch into the truth of what might be.  There will be hurdles to overcome but when you start opening your mind to what could be, there is no such thing as a problem without a solution.




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