

How To Reinvent Yourself

June 24, 2020

Have you ever been travelling and felt like you were a whole new person?  All of a sudden, you no longer have a routine or the normal triggers and reminders of who you are in the world.  You can be whoever you want to be, do whatever you heart desires. You come home feeling reinvented with brand new experiences that have transformed you in some way.

Reinvention isn’t only reserved for the jetsetter.  In fact, it can happen in a moment.  Reinvention is a matter of mindset and you are simply one thought away from having that transformation you desire.

In this episode, I talk about what reinvention is, how simple it can be and what steps you can take toward building the necessary belief structure to facilitate it in your life.  We are constantly shifting and moving energy on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.  Reinvention is actually a natural part of our DNA.  The only thing that stops us is our own idea of what’s possible.

Any type of change you desire requires a certain amount of reinvention. Change will always require growth and, as we all know, growth isn’t necessarily a comfortable thing.  It requires us to face our fears and insecurities, it necessitates a commitment to expansion and a responsive mindset.

You can reinvent yourself in a heartbeat.  It doesn’t have to take 90 days or even 30 days.  The moment you take on a new thought, you’ve done it and the results will follow. It starts at the end of this episode with one simple breath.  Tune in to discover how you can reinvent yourself today.



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