

Business Housekeeping: Good for your mental health

May 14, 2024

I don’t believe in junk drawers. In fact, I’m a big believer that things should be as beautiful behind the scenes as they are front of house.

So, it’s somewhat embarrassing to admit that a few years ago, I realised the organisation I’d been so proud of in my home did not translate to my business! Things were super chaotic and none of the basics had their proper place.

I know I’m not alone in this. I’ve seen far too many people become dismayed and overwhelmed in their businesses due to a lack of solid systems and processes in the back end. 

Today, I’m talking all about business housekeeping and how it can help you maintain a well-organised and efficient operation. We’ll discuss how incorporating regular tasks into your routine can save time, reduce stress and ensure the smooth running of your business.

Theming Your Days

Theming my days is something I find super helpful when allocating different admin tasks to certain days. You might have a couple of days where you do work in the business, and maybe two days or even 80% of your week where you work on the business. 

It’s also important to think about who is going to complete these daily tasks. Is there someone on your team, or an option to oursource? Alternatively, if you’re running a one-man show, ask yourself how you’ll be reminded to make sure everything gets done. Whether it’s an analog calendar or task management software, find whatever works best for you. 

Weekly Reviews

Once you have your daily tasks planned out, it can be really helpful to do weekly reviews on how things went. What lessons did you learn? Is there a process that needs tweaking? It’s also a good opportunity to check in with your team, look over finances and review any projects.This practice allows you to stay organised, identify areas for improvement and ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

Regular Reporting

Something I do monthly is a memory clean for my computers. Removing unnecessary data and checking for manual updates can keep everything healthy and streamlined. Along with this, we do monthly reporting to look at social media analytics, subscriber count, cash flow and net worth.

You can set your own frequency, however. Weekly, bi-monthly, quarterly - whatever works. By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can identify areas of growth, pinpoint any issues or bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to drive your business forward. 

Checking on Your Automated Systems

One thing we didn’t do so well in the business initially was regularly check over some of the automations we had set up. When our system broke and we didn’t have a task to make sure everything was running smoothly, things got messy - things like missed payments and out-of-date client details.

So not only do we now have automatic tasks that go to team members to check up on things, we have a backup task where every month we run a report to make sure everything is on track. This will give you so much peace of mind, knowing that your systems are still running efficiently even if your software glitches out.

Remember, the key to a successful business is not only what happens on the front end, but also what happens behind the scenes. By prioritising business housekeeping, you can create a harmony in your work environment that allows you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and achieving your dreams.

So, take the time to implement these tasks into your routine and watch your business begin to truly thrive!


Resource mentioned: Business Housekeeping Checklist

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