Supercharging Business Success

Supercharging Business Success

How to Create Predictable Growth – in Just 7 Minutes with Gene Hammett

August 28, 2021

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

* Why asking for help is important
* Starting that 'difficult conversation' with your team
* Benefits of having a coach

Related Links and Resources:
One of the biggest skills that leaders don't have is coaching skills; don't know which questions to ask or when to use questions. Questioning is a powerful tool inside communication because it gives a chance for others to share what they discovered and how they want to move forward. I created a free resource to help understand to coaching skills. If you want to get those 15 questions go to and download it. You can then mix them with your next conversation so that you are more of a coach in that role than telling someone what to do next.

Gene Hammett is the best-selling author of The Trap of Success, a book about breaking through to new levels of growth. He has leadership insights have appeared in large publications like Inc, Entrepreneur, and Success Magazines. Since 2014, his show, Growth Think Tank has been recognized by Inc., Business Insider, and Entrepreneur for its consistent content about leadership and cultures in fast-growth companies featuring more than 300 founders/CEOs from the Inc 5000 List.
Here are the highlights of this episode:
Gene mainly works with CEOs and owners of fast-growing companies. The common problem that he notices is that these folks has been spending so much time managing the work, and less time managing or leading the people. Unfortunately, some even resist having difficult conversations about tensions, stress, or something similar. These are things Gene helps them see their blind spots, to let them excel as a leader. These leaders are also feeling overwhelmed in joggling several stuff at the same time, so he lets them realize what will be their next role; "what's next for me? how do I spend my time?". Some leaders also resist asking for help; they would rather suffer feeling overwhelmed and may have anxiety than seek assistance. But those who ask for help would actually feel a sense of relief, more clarity, and more confidence to move forward. Gene says almost everyone will benefit from a coach or a wise council that can help them see a different perspective. Hopefully someone who understands where you going through or has been there before that can give you insights and then let you get out of that emotional struggle or stress. He believes that the predictable growth comes from better leadership.
Gene’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): "Do you feel any tension of a missing conversation between you and an individual or you in a team?" because that tension is a signal to be proactive in having that difficult conversation before it gets worse than it already is.