Sundown Lounge

Sundown Lounge

Sundown Lounge #349

December 06, 2013

"Rage against the nuclear power plant" - Music DADA, Geeknotes: Music Connection Dec. Edition, East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest, Blow Wind Blow @ Elizabeth's Crazy Little Thing; Open Mic Stage: "Black Heart [promo]" - Keritsu, Workers Successfully Move FIRST Set Of Radioactive Fuel Rods From Fukushima Reactor - Charles Town, "DEE BOUNCE" - madA, "Not to Be Understood (Backwards Mix)" - Brenna v.K., Fukushima remains 'very complex' despite progress: IAEA - AFP news agency, "faith" - saritote;, 1,000 days after Fukushima: residents of crisis zone frustrated by slow cleanup - euronews (in English), "club jungle 2" - saritote; Map Room: ​A male birth control pill that causes a temporary vasectomy, Space technology company builds a functioning artificial heart; Venue Verite: Radioactive Reality Fukushima: "Toxic leaks into ocean seems unstoppable - NibiruMagick2012, Fukushima Radiation: What You've Heard are LIES! - DNews; Music Bed: "Things Buried" "This Empty Space Returns Your Solitude" - saisa