Summit For Wellness Podcast

Summit For Wellness Podcast

146- Finding Root Causes for SIBO with Phoebe Lapine

April 08, 2021

The more research that is done on different digestive issues, such as IBS, the more we are discovering that there are hidden contributing factors that need to be addressed.The question then becomes a chicken or the egg scenario, where we aren't quite sure what factor has led to the health condition, but we know that both need to be addressed at some point.For instance, SIBO is often present in cases of IBS, yet only the IBS is initially treated. If you are missing such a big component like SIBO, it is hard to take care of the IBS.In this episode with Phoebe Lapine, we will be talking about what SIBO is, and how to reduce symptoms of SIBO.What To Expect From This Episode

What gut conditions are most likely impacted by SIBO simultaneously

Types of tests you can take to check for SIBO

Treatment options to reduce bacterial overgrowthWhat foods can be helpful and harmful for SIBO

Shownotes* [0:00] Welcome to the Summit For Wellness Podcast* [2:00] What led Phoebe Lapine to become a food and nutrition writer* [4:45] When Phoebe was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, did she have many symptoms* [6:15] How many people have SIBO* [8:30] Which tests can be done to confirm if symptoms are related to SIBO* [11:00] Why do women suffer so much from IBS and digestive issues compared to men* [13:45] Is it difficult to actually get to the root cause of SIBO because of other underlying health issues that can impact SIBO* [18:00] What are some simple SIBO treatment options that will knock down a lot of the overgrowth* [21:00] How long does it take to recover from SIBO* [22:45] What can you do to break down the biofilms that protect the bacteria* [24:30] Are there foods people with SIBO should completely avoid* [29:30] Once the bacteria is in the small intestine, is it there forever, or does it need a consistent flow of bacteria to stay a problem* [31:30] Phoebe Lapine's final thoughts on SIBO

Resources From This EpisodeSome of these resources may contain affiliate links, which provides a small commission to me (at no extra expense to you).* Read Phoebe's book SIBO Made Simple

Transcript For Episode (Transcripts aren't even close to 100% Accurate)

Bryan Carroll: [00:00:14] Your digestive tract is extremely important. Your ability to break down nutrients and absorb those nutrients literally creates a building blocks for every single cell in your body.So when your digestive system isn't working properly, You notice it everywhere in your body. And there can be some really funky things that happen in your digestive track, such as developing something called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Now I'm sure you have heard about the importance of gut bugs and probiotics, but when bacteria overgrows in the wrong places, it can cause a lot of issues.What's up everyone. I'm Bryan Carroll and I'm here to help people move more eat well. And we address Andrus in today. Phoebe lupine is joining us to talk all about SIBO and how it can impact your body. Now, if you've never heard of SIBO before, that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention because a lot more people may experience some signs of SIBO than you would think.So let's jump into my conversation with Phoebe. Phoebe lupine is a food and health writer. Gluten-free chef speaker and the voice behind the award winning blog. Feed me Phoebe named by women's health magazine as a top nutrition rate of 2017 Phoebe's debut memoir, the wellness project Chronicles her journey with the auto immune disease hostage.Hashimoto's thyroiditis. She is the host of the SIBO made simple podcast and author of the forthcoming book by the same name, which helps those newly diagnosed or chronically fighting small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Thank you for coming onto the show. Phoebe.